Lake front home

Eden Mills, VT


Private, waterfront cabin on pristine Lake Eden. This 2 bedroom/1 bath cabin sleeps 6 comfortably. It is rustic and private, and truly a gem in northern Vermont. The property features multiple levels -the parking area fits 3-4 cars, then you make your way down the first set of stairs to enter the house and hang out in the fire pit/grilling area, perfect for s’mores and dining outside. The additional stairs will take you down to the water, where we have a private dock and lawn to enjoy all the lake has to offer.


Our location

Eden Mills, Vermont 05653

Common Questions

How far is Stowe?

It’s a 30min drive north from downtown Stowe.

What type of coffee maker is there?

We have a traditional coffee maker that requires ground coffee. We supply grounds, sugar and filters.

Do you need a fishing license?

Yes, you do if you are out on a boat, but off shore, no you don’t need one/

Can we use the kayaks/canoe?

Yes, we have 1 adult kayak, 3 children kayaks and 1 canoe.

Can we use the fireplace?

No, the interior fireplace does not work. There is an exterior fire pit, for open fires outside.

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